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Rabu, 18 September 2013

Getting to know the strains and vein colors


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Greetings friends,
Welcome to Mustafa "Mu" Ricevanto's kratom blog!

Kratom biochemistry is remarkably complex.  There are at least 40 compounds in the Mitragyna Speciosa plant - many of them alkaloids.  Plants from different regions can be markedly different in chemical makeup and thus effect.

Kratom leaves have a hard midrib ("vein") that can occur in three colors: red, white, and green.  Since the color of the vein is associated with differences in chemical makeup, kratom is often identified by it's vein color.  Between the vein color and place of origin, kratom leaves can have quite a range different effects.

In general, the vein color is traditionally thought of like this:  The red veins are the most euphoric, analgesic and relaxing, the white veins are the most stimulating and energizing, and the green veins are somewhere in the middle, a little more energizing than the red, but not exactly stimulating like the white.

As far as location, red veins and green veins from Thai strains tend to be more energizing than red veins and green veins from Borneo (Kalimantan).  I've yet to sample a Thai white vein, so I can't comment although I'd expect it to be quite stimulating.  Malaysian strains tend to be fairly balanced, somewhere in between.  Most Malaysian kratom I've seen has been green vein, although I've seen an occasional red Malay strain.

It should be noted that almost all commercial kratom is grown in Indonesia.  Most Thai kratom is actually Thai strains grown in Indonesia.  Very little kratom that was actually grown in Thailand comes to the US.  Some Malaysian kratom is actually wild harvested in Malaysia, but some is also farmed in Indonesia.  Indonesian Borneo, the Kalimantan region, is the source for the Borneo or Kalimantan strains.

It appears that kratom trees need to be at least around 5- 8 years old before they start to produce decent leaves, and much of the kratom on the market is wild harvested from mature trees in the deep jungle.  Certainly more and more farms have come online in recent years, though, and besides farms in Indonesia, there are supposedly farms in Hawaii, Florida and Costa Rica.  It will be interesting to see how much commercial kratom will hit the market from these other places in the future.

As always you can visit MuSynergetics.com for a great variety of the best strains from around world.
(If you do check out MuSynergetics.com, enter the coupon code mustafa and get 5% off on any order over $25.  Thanks guys!)

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